Monday, March 12, 2012

Difference between Boss and Leader




Best Diet

The Best Diet is no diet at all but a lifetime commitment to better choices! 

Many studies have proven that all diets have a temporary effect! The secret to losing weight is to make permanent choices in what we do. 

Here we have some simple long term commitments:

• Commit to whole wheat bread

• Drink fruit juices instead of soft drinks

• Always select fruit as a dessert

• Start most meal with a large salad

• Use whole grain pasta, bread and rice

• Take longer to eat. It takes time for your body to send its satisfaction signal

• Always park your car far rather than near

• Use the stairs for anything less than 4 stories

• Think positive about all of the choices above.

Forming good habits is the answer to long term health! 

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Listening and hearing are two different things. When a person is truly listening they not only hear the words, but they feel the emotion behind these words. True communication occurs when someone truly listens and not just hears the words.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. ~ Henry Ford


Those who educate children r more 2b honored than they who produce them; 4 these only gave them life, those th art of living well.-Aristotle